e for eye|觀

一個荷魯斯之眼,代表著 1One. Oneness

#eye in the sky
#Sirius star

" <Brotherhood of the Star> is a planetary oupost of the Blue Lodge of Sirius that is connected with Sirius via Jupiter and Jupiter Command. The purpose of the Brotherhood of the Star is to guide the evolution of the planet under the guidance of Sanat Kumara."


Sacred Geometry


Triangle Shape Geometry - Destination Deluxe

The platonic solids are thought of as the sacred geometry ‘building blocks’ of the Universe that were taught in the Greek Mystery Schools 2,500 years ago (these are tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron & icosahedron). But the triangle is a symbol that underlies all of them. Triangle symbolizes balance, harmony, completion. Rising upwards, it elevates us to Higher Consciousness.


Circle Shape Geometry - Destination Deluxe

Wholeness, oneness, never-ending circle/cycles of life, the eternal constant, cycles of change, unity, perfection, inclusive, boundaries. It is said the first thought of God is represented by a circle, which exists by itself (and then it created a replica of itself.


Square Shape Geometry - Destination Deluxe

Foundations, solidity, grounding, practical, ‘earthly’, stability, dependability, safety. The base of a pyramid (which creates the balance/stability).


Spiral Shape Geometry - Destination Deluxe

The Fibonacci and Golden mean ratio (all shapes come back to this mathematical formula). ‘As above, so below’, connects heaven and earth. The spiral ‘spirals’ up to connect the physical self to the Higher Self, and all levels of our being (inter-dimensionally) and into the core of the Earth. Galaxies are in spirals of energy. Energy moves in spirals. The spiral is also the kundalini, which is symbolic of raising one’s consciousness on the path of the evolution of the soul. The spiral is connected to the flow of energy through the chakras as they spin in a circle. The spiral is the spiral shape as a double helix in the DNA of each cell.


Pyramid Shape Geometry - Destination Deluxe

The Pyramid contains the spiral, the golden mean ratio, the triangle and square. The pyramid contains the number of divinity, 3 (the 3 sides to each triangle) plus the number of mankind, 4 ( 4 sides of the square). It represents the relationships between Source & humanity. The Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built to create the energy that facilitated connection with the spiritual realms. The top or apex of the pyramid represents the highest point of spiritual attainment, the body of the structure is the ‘journey’ or ascent to enlightenment, spiraling upwards. The pyramids were used for initiations, and in transporting to ‘other realms.’ They were used by the initiates to go through a kind of death and become ‘transformed’ or ‘reborn’. The merkabah is like two pyramids interlocking


    Flower of Life Sacred Geometry - Destination DeluxeSeed of Life Sacred Geometry - Destination Deluxe

The Flower of Life is a physical representation of the connection with all living things in the universe. It is considered a sacred symbol universally, and said to also contain within it the ‘blue print of creation’, the ‘building blocks’ of the universe – which we call the “Platonic Solids”. These are templates through which the foundation of life can be expressed. The Greek Mystery Schools 2,500 years ago taught that there were five perfect 3D forms – the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. These Platonic Solids are considered the foundation of everything in the physical world, revealing the unity in all things. However, if you break these Platonic Solids down to their simplest forms, they form the triangle, square, circle, spiral, and straight line. These are the basic ‘sacred geometric shapes (above).


Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life

SOLARA | 黄金光网格 -  https://2020portal.org/2022/07/the-golden-grid/

神圣几何:灵魂的语言  Heart to Heart, Janosh

Janosh Art November 19, 2021 at 11:50 PMThe Language of Sacred Geometry---video! 
What an overwhelming webinar on Friday 19th November from Janosh it was. So many interested people and what energy. Really amazing!

The connection and the power of the energy field that we have created together brings us closer and closer to our goal. It is our mission to spread as much love as possible, to connect each other and to let you discover your potential.

You have already been able to taste how an activation takes you to a deep spiritual sensation where head and heart connect. What would it be like if you build a ritual for yourself every day and experience an activation every day? What would change for you then? More focus, more self-confidence, self-love or finding your true… More

Janosh News

Who reads the eyes, can connect the hearts.

From heart to heart,


Wish you an AUTHENTICITY week.
From heart to heart, Janosh

Goddess Vortex

[女神漩渦] "Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of microtriangulation." 「女神漩渦是一種彩虹螺旋能量,包含各種可能的光能量組合。祂是天使存有的顯化。祂可以透過一個第八維度的安塔瑞昂轉換星門,將所有的黑暗轉化成純粹的光。祂是合一的能量漩渦,能經由微三角技術吸除所有二元性異常現象並將其還原成合一的狀態。」 "All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of divine intervention on this planet. This network of Light will ultimately transmute all darkness on the astral and etheric plane and remove all negative entities until the last reptilian is gone forever and all non-physical planes around Earth will become realms of Light. This will set the right conditions for the Event." 「所有的女神漩渦都會在地球星光層以及乙太層形成一個聖光網路。聖光網路會產生帶有轉化功能的合一能量場;可以當作是神聖介入地球活動的工具。女神漩渦的聖光網路將會轉化所有星光層和乙太層的黑暗,並且清除所有的負面存有直到最後一個爬蟲人永遠絕跡。屆時地球所有的非實體層面都會變成光明世界,為事件打下良好的基礎。」
「 用自己習慣的方式放鬆身心靈。 深吸一口氣,將明亮、潔白的光吸進自己的身體。 吐氣時,將體內沒用的雜質和能量吐出去。 深呼吸幾次。」 菩提光柱錨定冥想
let divine love sending peace through your heart and hands to heal
I AM °
我是靈魂 我是聖光 我是神聖大愛 我是神聖意志 我註定要活出我的本質,我的靈魂 °

° 「觀想一道潔白明亮的光柱,由宇宙中央太陽發出。 然後分佈到宇宙中所有
然後穿越過我們的銀河系,進入到我們的太陽系, 並通過太陽系內所有的光之存有,通過地球上所有的眾生, 並穿過自己的身體,進入到地球的中心。」
° NOW 祈願 PEACE Meditation hourly at every full hour from July 30th until the end of August 3rd in your time zone: * 1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness. 2. State your intent to use this meditation to stabilize the relationship and bring peace between China, USA and Taiwan. 3. Invoke the violet flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light. 4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns in all galaxies in this universe, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth. 5. Invoke Galactic Goddess Pleroma, Isis, Doumu and Guanyin. Invoke the Goddess energies from all corners of this universe to descend upon the skies of mainland China and Taiwan, and to send pink energies of cosmic love to both mainland China and Taiwan. Visualize a pink Flower of Life sphere wrapping itself around mainland China and around Taiwan, maintaining eternal peace and harmony between these two regions. 6. Visualize the pink-colored light of cosmic love emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun and going through your body, into the center of the Earth. Visualize this divine pink light filling up your physical, plasma, etheric, astral and mental bodies. Now, raise both of your hands, palms facing forward. Using your hands, send the divine pink light to all high-ranking politicians and military officers in mainland China, USA and Taiwan, so that they may choose to maintain peace and harmony between the two regions. Goddess wants peace, and peace it shall be! 。 Galactic Wave of Love ° 祈請 銀河女神 普若瑪
女神 愛希斯 斗姆 觀音
° 呼請 所有女神能量從宇宙十方而來 降臨在我們的天空 並將
大陸與台灣 觀想一個粉紅色的生命之花光球環繞著大陸並環繞著台灣, 維護著兩岸永遠的和平以及祥和。

「觀想宇宙大愛的粉紅色聖光宇宙中央太陽發出, 穿過自己的身體並進入到地球的中心,
「觀想這個神聖的粉紅光充滿我們多維度身體: 肉身身體、等離子電漿體、乙太體、星光體、心智體. Now 「舉起自己的雙手,掌心朝前,透過雙手將神聖的粉紅光發送
大陸、美國和臺灣的所有高層政治人物及軍方人士, 並且讓他們能作出選擇來維護大陸與台灣之間的和平與和諧。
PEACE 和平,和平,再和平! Now simply recite " I am the light, I am the love, I am the truth, I am." {我是光, 我是愛, 我是真理, 我是.}

by the Beloved Archangel Michael  "Now if you want to settle the chaos—so at least where you live, it is held at Peace—
I certainly would call forth the Legions of the Angels of the Sacred Fire to pour Their Love that compels Peace in your world and around you wherever you abide.
Then you take your world wherever you go; and you become the Peace-commanding Presence,
not only of your own “Mighty I AM,” but by the Love of the Angelic Host.
And when that becomes more expanded within the physical octave, mankind will have Peace."
寬恕,寬恕,再寬恕! 「現在,如果你想平息混亂 —— 至少要讓你居住的地方,保持在和平之中 —— 我一定會召喚神聖火焰的天使軍團,傾注他們的愛,給你的世界、以及你所在的任何地方帶來和平。 然後,不論你走到哪裡,你都會攜帶著這樣的世界在你身邊;你變成了讓和平到來的臨在, 這種臨在不僅僅是你自己的“偉大的我是臨在”,也是天使軍團的愛之臨在。 當這種臨在在物質範圍內拓展開來時,人類將擁有和平。」

and this

Monday, August 15, 2022

Planetary Situation Update

COBRA | 地球形势更新

"Finally, ground your energy into the centre of the Earth, for your personal balance and protection. This creates an anchor or circuit which can constantly be a channel for the Violet Flame to come through even after the meditation."


NOW do this:  2022 09 07 new

(以下轉載自) 紫羅蘭火焰冥想













7.觀想地球上的局勢朝著最正面的時間線發展,遠離各種流行病疫情、戰爭和國際間的權力鬥爭。觀想紫羅蘭色的聖光消除所有的不平等和貧困並且為全人類帶來豐盛。 觀想宇宙進入水瓶座時代的偉大循環,為地球上的所有眾生帶來聖光、大愛和幸福。

