
目前顯示的是 6月, 2022的文章

dear we

 親愛的我們 咱兩隻喵咪:  喵喵一定要聽 disco, 晚餐後, while grooming cleaning herself. 咪咪得有這種 soothing music, most of the time.  靜物 ◎鯨向海 光安歇了,變成了影子 策馬經過的人安歇了,變成了傳奇 隆冬安歇了,千山萬水在大雪中歸零 不明飛行物體迷航了,在夢的切線方向被遺棄 瞳孔深處的靈魂被改造虛擬了 人影幢幢在信紙上的小方格裡交錯度日 見過面之後,雨季就這樣斷斷續續 我們還聯絡著 變成了靜物 --  G+page | yaya2000 抓不住搖槳的霧 時間退位 A to Z and  phoenix rising!    sweet paradise new light  柔軟又堅定的沙沙聲 在早晨的樹枝外 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=809928329355824 划入 無題故事 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2143590445884322 腳凳的沉思,那裡。一場對話, https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=246752359339726 之間 雨季 經過雨季

where are those flowers?

 那些花兒哪 去 了 花兒們 趕上彩排 端詳著,一個個 看她怎樣的壓縮凝結 成了時間 Flowers catch up on rehearsal look at them, one by one See how she compresses and condenses becoming the time. https://album.udn.com/jade2/photo/26746070 -----------------夏 宴 正 張 羅-------------- summer banquet is now up to serve 五月應許 - 。-  Promise in May A Moment Of Happiness A moment of happiness, you and I sitting on the verandah, apparently two, but one in soul, you and I. We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden's beauty and the birds singing. The stars will be watching us, and we will show them what it is to be a thin crescent moon. You and I unselfed, will be together, indifferent to idle speculation, you and I. The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar as we laugh together, you and I. In one form upon this earth, and in another form in a timeless sweet land. --Rumi

Planetary Situation Update | Cobra

  Planetary Situation Update    The Portal     Thursday, June 23, 2022 【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2022年6月23日訊息【地球近況更新】 國際黃金時代團隊 COBRA | 地球形势更新 (2022年6月23日) 来自  Soluna | 已发表  2022-06-24 Flower of Life Meditation daily 1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness. 2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to stabilize the transition on Earth and manifest the most positive Ascension timeline for all living beings. 3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light. 4. Visualize the rainbow colored Flower of Life sphere around the Earth, expanding below the surface and also expanding all the way up to the Moon's orbit. Visualize the Flower of Life sphere assisting the planetary liberation process, clearing all darkness from the surface of the planet. Then visualize the Flower of Life ...


realm 當時間彎曲了空間 when time bends space Towards the realm of nowhere story alive 走向無域之境 故事活著 翻過山牆越過屋脊,藤蔓的手臂彎起,攀緣著紫色的發聲器,坦率的流蘇,花朵垂綴。sphere  Over the gable and over the ridge, the arms of the vines are curved, clinging to purple sounders, candid tassels, flowers bejeweled sphere. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM GUIDE SAIË  - Janosh   "The way in which we as humanity do things, has an influence on the universe.  The universe is one big hologram. Also, people are made as a mirror of the cosmos.  So, like each piece of a hologram, which contains all the information of the entirety,  every human cell has a complete blueprint of the entire person. " .......  " Biosphere-Noosphere Transition" 来自灵性导师SAIË的重要信息| 中譯 -   Soluna   。 A happy summer solstice! Flower    -- by Paul Celan The stone. The stone in the air, which I followed. Your eye, as blind as the stone. We were hands, we baled the darkness empty, we found the word that ascended summer: flower. Fl...



Info: re: FM 144

FM 144 | 夏至更新 (2022年6月21日) 来自  Soluna | 已发表  2022-06-22 SUMMER SOLSTICES UPDATE (21.06.2022) https://fm144.blogspot.com/2022/06/summer-solstices-update-21062022.html FM 144 April 13, 2022 PLANETARY UPDATE (14.4.2022)

How many fifteen years can there be in life?

 人生中能有幾個十五年? 【桃源憶故人】 remembrance https://www.flickr.com/photos/yaya2000/85384481/in/datetaken/ yaya2000     16y     thanks anna, imlock!! when i half-waking up that morning, i couldn't believe what i saw outside the window... imlock, yes i wrote that short chinese classical poetry a year ago. it will be too hard for me to do the english version .... it begins with describing the scene of the sunrise,river and fishing boat, then expressing the great surprising joy in finding such place which is totally out of this world! the second part, describes more of how i felt.. how many of those astonishing sunrise and sunsets went by, the friends' meeting and departing... the river always are testifying the timeless beauty! or say...endless mercy!! to me, just like a lost dream..... rememberance of a long lost friend! (google translate with Chinese: 首先描述了日出、河流和漁船的場景,然後表達了找到這樣一個完全不屬於這個世界的地方的巨大驚喜! 第二部分,更多地描述了我的感受.. 有多少驚人的日出和日落過去了, 朋友的聚會和離開…… 河流永遠在見證著永恆的美麗! 或者說……無盡的憐憫!! 對我來說...

Solstice Meditation on June 21st

2022全球夏至冥想  “ Solstice is a time for Self-reflection and change. Now is the time for you to look at the grander scope of your life and spiritual path and take note of what is out of alignment. What doesn't serve you? What things do you tell yourself or others that are not in line with what you preach? What things do you do that do not serve your personal and spiritual growth?” “ We will use the opportunity of this year’s June Solstice to purity the remaining darkness on Earth and to speed up the process ascension process for planet Earth and her inhabitants. ” We Love Mass Meditation                                                        June Solstice Meditation on June 21st at 3:54 PM UTC https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2019/06/june-solstice-meditation-on-june-21st.html Time Time zone City Friday June 21 05:54 am HST Honolulu 08:54 am PDT...

what about

US ?   What about sunrise? What about rain? Earth Song + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU&list=RDGMEMQ1dJ7wXfLlqCjwV0xfSNbA&start_radio=1&rv=S8vs_vmCxyU 幸福得像朵花     始於永遠                          

info: re: Marie Antoinette & more

 Marie Antoinette: 瑪麗·安東妮 Search Results for:  瑪麗·安東妮 朗巴勒公主傳 Cobra|聖哲曼 Cobra 訊息  2017/07/05/planetary-situation-update/ Search Results for:  Marie Antoinette Cobra| 2019年4月28日訊息【高等女祭司】 the-high-priestess Cobra interview  by International Golden Age Group – December 2017 Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy,  Princesse de Lamballe

render a wish

best wishes to all! 祝 福 大 家

a steed, riding map

  給我一匹駿馬吧   ...    https://www.golden-ages.org/2017/01/08/important/ 聖殿騎士團  Cobra Intel Map March 05, 2022 How To Review Cobra Interview Strategically June 16, 2022  Recently Cobra provided a link that gives you a PDF download with all interviews from 2012-2015: https://bit.ly/3QpHoI9 Cosmic Pill ............................................................................................ 只有瀝乾的月色於沼澤飛行。

lotus summer

  一朵蓮,接著── 捧出夏日池塘, 斜斜地倚著, 也就那一光趟兒的細軟。 在城市邊緣呼吸 在流光中屏息 在路途上,你來了 並走入一幅畫的情節 由先朝歌詩中得知很久以前的現在 何為床,為蓋。 這時往那邊走去。她端坐在花窗旁,綠綠的光,柳煙交疏,幾許落霞。莫不是那一塘蓮,粉招招的,老遠。浸泡中的沉著,撲通一氣,濺出比雨水還溫潤的清晰。她閃耀,能鑿開一座湖似的。

