
目前顯示的是 9月, 2022的文章

decode of a smile

以微笑解碼 A or V A and V 只在 臨在 and NOW 以丹田 呼吸或歌唱 舞蹈或祈禱 smile 左頰右頰 緩緩升起 for all the unknown and knowing we love you! 莫問三千情與境 且向人間一笑 。 # All in one breathe! 天地一氣。 人,(as 超導) 宇宙曼陀羅。 as far as  # the " secret societies " goes "the black nobility." The Great Transformation has Begun SEE! 〈基督再臨〉 -- When the Christ Light has been filled within enough numbered humanity, Maybe,  We, Nearer to God, the Source! "   It can be expected   " -- the risen one reappearance in presence! 耶穌再臨 「這是關乎愛的臨在。」「無條件的愛,也就是整個行星地球正朝向進化的方向。」 "Path of Return" 活在當下 when it happens, it happens! and now :  Q&A   9/29/2022    the new Cobra Interview  ! 2022年9月柯博拉揚升專題訪談  Part I COBRA 的访谈 (上) PART2 訪談(下) brief notes: 1. Situation Update 近況更新 to start clearing the implants.清除植入物.  2. Ascension Plan 揚升計畫 Cobra: " Chakras are energy vortexes in the human energy fields that are transmitting various frequencies of Light. Merkaba is the Light body, which is a ve...


  醒卻松香殘雪 淺淺蠟跡 橫豎總是詩 總是 這一 茶盞 香風 過煙                          階  前  草  花    樣    觀     無 thefinalwakeupcall/info " Realise; the new world is already a reality; the turnaround has already begun right before your eyes. Wasn’t that originally your choice too? Start forgetting everything you learnt before and forget it for good."   《溪山雪霽圖》 流光底細 醒於古老山谷 點燃溪流的緊鎖眉睫 昇起堅實光澤。   大寒之陽光 耀眼的霜 chilled whisper “Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.” " We all deserve to be living in our full radiance! " 舞蹈或祈禱 別忘了開花  to flower! A New Beginning   A Peek into the Future   The great awakening History Global Collateral Accounts World history is being rewritten Planet Earth needs new system and way of thinking The bottom Line A Peek into the Future   The Gr...

palm rain |黃椰子雨下

處暑的完美告別 如此之姿 拉絲成行 而鋪展 善意因子散發 漲了秋池 The perfect farewell to the heat of the summer, in such gesture. The line is drawn. then spread out, the goodwill factor is distributed, and the autumn pond rises. Voices Like Rain 敘事|recount  narrative https://blog.udn.com/jade2/177158507 遇見自己與自己: 往西邊飛,沒有從前。往東邊看,一輪明月。 # 當 永遠到永遠 場域來自遠古 地脈連線/共享與擔當 以靈魂行進當下 你是你的專屬所顧 你的所是 過去與未來 在迷走與滯留之間 擴散/延宕 梳解耙開空氣中 摺皺的里路。 有機與另類混音 being organic and alternative remix being a tree or a fish.. 妳是美麗的 ya! 妳是美麗的 美麗的靈魂一顆 美麗的一粒現在 我的 過去與未來 frisky buffo  contour 馬里布的輪廓 O ya! 從丹尼爾到阿拉巴馬 一條路來的名字 海上來 飛出摩西的杖 島嶼 歌唱飛翔 : 今夜白露 then 更 月亮聽見 " Watermelon moon, so happy youre alive" "And I feel like a river finally arrived at sea" .......