
目前顯示的是 8月, 2022的文章

go within for a knowing path

[ 三千院 ] 超乎紅樓夢。介乎西遊記。 Beyond the Dream of the Red Chamber. Between the Journey to the West. CONSCIOUSNESS 【 意識】 https://2020portal.org/2022/08/consciousness-2/ (節錄.轉載) “Consciousness is dependent upon its vehicle for expression, and both are dependent upon life and energy for existence.”  “意识依赖于它表达的载体,这两者的存在都依赖于生命和能量。” “(2) The development of the human being is but the passing from one state of consciousness to another. It is a succession of expansions, a growth of that faculty of  awareness  that constitutes the predominant characteristic of the indwelling Thinker. It is the progressing from consciousness polarised in the higher self, ego, or soul, thence to a polarisation in the Monad, or Spirit, till the consciousness eventually is Divine. ( 1 – 7 ).” 「(2)人的发展不过是从一种意识状态过渡到另一种意识状态。它是一系列的拓展、意识的增长,这成为了内在灵魂的主要特征。它的成长要从把放置在高我/灵魂意识上的意识,进化至把意识放置单子(Monad,我是临在)/灵性火花之上,直至意识最终成为神圣。」 (2) 「 人的發展不過是從一種意識狀態演化過渡到另一種意識狀態。 它是一連串的擴展,那種意識能力的增長,構成了內在思考者的主要特徵。 它是把處在高我、靈性自我或靈魂中的意識,進化並安置棲息到單子一...


  { 潭 祉 迎 祥 } 潭 光星瀑 祉 降尊生 迎 風了悟 祥 氣穆穆 into a new band! do! do! do! do! 11:11 the zero point field 「在幻相中,你正在以人類的形式體驗生命,這似乎不是真的。這是因為形體中的生命是為了體驗一種非真實的狀態而被構建——想像成存在——這就是你們正在體驗的。」 " Spirituality, metaphysics and science merge as the sacred geometry known as the "language of light" is downloaded and decoded.  The realisation and activation of these "ancient codes for a new dawn of man" is an alchemical process available to us all.  Now is the time that collectively we move forward into a fully conscious ascension, and embrace the new archetype of "Master of the Matrix" ." -- " Becoming the Architect of Your Reality and Activating the Original Human Template " Interview - Anomaly COBRA –  I have just answered this question.  Suffering exists, not by intent, but by the randomness of the cosmic anomaly.  It was never intended.  It exists without a purpose.  It exists as an anomaly that has to be transformed.  It does not have any higher purpose....