bubbles of Heaven breathe crossing the bridge 我們的岸 抵達 姆大地的星光 " true visualization" is "God's attribute and power of sight." "acting in the mind of man." ° 「觀想」 是 「神的屬性和視線力量」 在 「人們心智中的活動」 「我是」 開示 : 聖哲曼 THE “I AM” DISCOURSES of SAINT GERMAIN Discourse 33 episode "Be the Divine Flow. And you will experience an expansion in awareness, wisdom, and consciousness, as you rise in vibration within the infinite electromagnetic field of Source which you call love. Divine Flow, instead of “love.” I say this because this Divine Flow is an energetical frequency field, it is alive. When one is immersed in it, you rise, and realize more of your true self. " ~Kejraj "One collective means one whole, it doesn’t necessarily mean all the same, but it does mean one whole, meaning you wish for others what you wish for yourself, you treat others like you treat yourself, you accept others like you accept yourself, you allow others like you allow yourself. ...